Contributing guidelines

Learn how to ask questions, report bugs and work with us.

How to ask a question

  • Write the question in the title, it's the first thing everyone will see.
  • Describe as precisely as possible what you want to do and which problems you have.
  • Add an example, for example Markdown, settings or your source code.
  • Select an answer, when your question has been answered.

If you want to ask a question, start a new discussion.

How to report a bug

  • Explain how to reproduce the bug, with as many information as you have.
  • Show the error message, it's best to copy what you see on your screen.
  • Add many details, especially the log file system/extensions/yellow-website.log.
  • Select an answer, when the bug has been fixed.

If you want to report a bug, start a new discussion.

How to work with us

  • Imagine what the user wants to do and what would make life easier.
  • Aim for the smallest possible solution, first make it work then make it better.
  • Ask yourself, do I need this, do I want this, can I make this better?
  • Improve the available extensions and make them more useful.

Good to know

We are interested in what you want to do and which problems you have. The more we know, the better. Our community is a place to help each other. Where you can ask and answer questions. Most answers are provided by members, just like you. Use an online translator if English is not your first language. Don't force anything. You can step out of discussions at any time if the dialog is not constructive. Focus on the people who show interest and want to work together with you. Thank people who point you in the right direction and who write helpful answers.

You can find us on GitHub, Discord or contact a human.


Asking a question about settings:

Title: How do I change the language of my website?

Hello, during installation I selected the wrong language. Now I want to 
change the language of my website to English. When I change the settings 
it doesn't work. I checked that the english extension is installed. 
Here are my settings in file `system/extensions/yellow-system.ini`:

Sitename: Datenstrom Yellow
Author: Datenstrom
Email: webmaster
Language: english
Layout: default
Theme: stockholm

Let me know if you need more information. Thanks for your help.

Asking a question about layout files:

Title: How do I show the correct date in layout files?

Hello, I want to show the date a page was last updated, similar to what 
is shown on wiki pages. I am having some problems with the API, no matter 
what I do, the generated HTML code always shows the date 1970-01-01.
Here is my layout file `system/layouts/default.html`:

<?php $this->yellow->layout("header") ?>
<div class="content">
<div class="main" role="main">
<h1><?php echo $this->yellow->page->getHtml("titleContent") ?></h1>
<p>Last updated on <?php echo $this->yellow->page->getDateHtml("updated") ?></p>
<?php echo $this->yellow->page->getContentHtml() ?>
<?php $this->yellow->layout("footer") ?>

Let me know if you need more information. Thanks for your help.

Reporting a bug along with the log file:

Title: Call to undefined function detectCoffee()

Hello, I get the error message: Call to undefined function detectCoffee() 
in /var/www/website/system/workers/fika.php. You can reproduce the bug 
in a new installation, select small website, install the fika extension. 
Here is my log file `system/extensions/yellow-website.log`:

2024-04-28 14:13:07 info Install Datenstrom Yellow 0.9, PHP 8.1.27, Apache 2.4.33, Mac
2024-04-28 14:13:07 info Install extension 'Core 0.9.9'
2024-04-28 14:13:07 info Install extension 'Markdown 0.9.1'
2024-04-28 14:13:07 info Install extension 'Stockholm 0.9.2'
2024-04-28 14:13:07 info Install extension 'English 0.9.2'
2024-04-28 14:13:07 info Install extension 'German 0.9.2'
2024-04-28 14:13:07 info Install extension 'Swedish 0.9.2'
2024-04-28 14:23:11 info Install extension 'Fika 0.9.1'
2024-04-28 14:23:11 error Process file 'system/workers/fika.php' with fatal error!

Let me know if you need more information. Thanks for investigating.

Do you have questions? Get help.