API for developers

We <3 people who code.

Folder structure

You can change everything in the file manager on your computer. The content folder contains the content files of the website. You can edit your website here. The media folder contains the media files of the website. You can store your images and files here. The system folder contains the system files of the website. You can find configuration files and the log file here.

The following configuration files and log files are available:

system/extensions/yellow-system.ini = file with system settings
system/extensions/yellow-language.ini = file with language settings
system/extensions/yellow-user.ini = file with user settings
system/extensions/yellow-extension.ini = file with extension settings
system/extensions/yellow-website.log = log file of the website


Online editor

You can edit your website in a web browser. The login page is available on your website as http://website/edit/. Log in with your user account. You can use the normal navigation, make some changes and see the result immediately. The online editor allows you to edit content files and upload media files. It is a great way to update your website. Text formatting with Markdown is supported. HTML is also supported. Learn more about the online editor.

Web server

You can start a web server at the command line. The built-in web server is convenient for developers, designers and translators. This allows you to see your website on your computer and upload it to your web server later. Open a terminal window. Go to your installation folder, where the file yellow.php is. Type php yellow.php serve, you can optionally add a URL. Open a web browser and go to the URL shown. Learn more about the web server.

Static generator

You can generate a static website at the command line. The static site generator makes the entire website in advance, instead of waiting for a file to be requested. Open a terminal window. Go to your installation folder, where the file yellow.php is. Type php yellow.php generate, you can optionally add a folder and a location. This will generate a static website in the public folder. Upload the static website to your web server and generate a new one when needed. Learn more about the static generator.


With the help of the API you have access to the file system and settings. The API is divided into several objects and basically reflects the file system. There's $this->yellow->content to access content files, $this->yellow->media to access media files and $this->yellow->system to access system settings. An object you will see often is $this->yellow->page, this object gives you access to the current page. The source code of the entire API can be found in file system/workers/core.php.

The following objects are available:

$this->yellow = access to API
$this->yellow->content = access to content files
$this->yellow->media = access to media files
$this->yellow->system = access to system settings
$this->yellow->language = access to language settings
$this->yellow->user = access to user settings
$this->yellow->extension = access to extensions
$this->yellow->lookup = access to lookup and normalisation methods
$this->yellow->toolbox = access to toolbox with helper methods
$this->yellow->page = access to current page


The class Yellow gives access to the API. The following methods are available:

command getLayoutArguments layout load request

Description of methods and arguments:

yellow->load(): void
Handle initialisation

yellow->request(): int
Handle request from web browser

yellow->command($line = ""): int
Handle command from command line

yellow->layout($name, $arguments = null): void
Include layout

yellow->getLayoutArguments($sizeMin = 9): array
Return layout arguments

Layout file with header and footer:

<?php $this->yellow->layout("header") ?>
<div class="content">
<div class="main" role="main">
<h1><?php echo $this->yellow->page->getHtml("titleContent") ?></h1>
<?php echo $this->yellow->page->getContentHtml() ?>
<?php $this->yellow->layout("footer") ?>

Yellow content

The class YellowContent gives access to content files. The following methods are available:

clean find index multi path top

Description of methods and arguments:

content->find($location, $absoluteLocation = false): YellowPage|null
Return page, null if not found

content->index($showInvisible = false): YellowPageCollection
Return page collection with pages of the website

content->top($showInvisible = false): YellowPageCollection
Return page collection with top-level navigation

content->path($location, $absoluteLocation = false): YellowPageCollection
Return page collection with path ancestry

content->multi($location, $absoluteLocation = false, $showInvisible = false): YellowPageCollection
Return page collection with multiple languages in multi language mode

content->clean(): YellowPageCollection
Return page collection that is empty

Layout file for showing pages:

<?php $this->yellow->layout("header") ?>
<div class="content">
<div class="main" role="main">
<h1><?php echo $this->yellow->page->getHtml("titleContent") ?></h1>
<?php $pages = $this->yellow->content->index() ?>
<?php $this->yellow->page->setLastModified($pages->getModified()) ?>
<?php foreach ($pages as $page): ?>
<li><?php echo $page->getHtml("title") ?></li>
<?php endforeach ?>
<?php $this->yellow->layout("footer") ?>

Layout file for showing pages below a specific location:

<?php $this->yellow->layout("header") ?>
<div class="content">
<div class="main" role="main">
<h1><?php echo $this->yellow->page->getHtml("titleContent") ?></h1>
<?php $pages = $this->yellow->content->find("/help/")->getChildren() ?>
<?php $this->yellow->page->setLastModified($pages->getModified()) ?>
<?php foreach ($pages as $page): ?>
<li><?php echo $page->getHtml("title") ?></li>
<?php endforeach ?>
<?php $this->yellow->layout("footer") ?>

Layout file for showing top-level navigation pages:

<?php $this->yellow->layout("header") ?>
<div class="content">
<div class="main" role="main">
<h1><?php echo $this->yellow->page->getHtml("titleContent") ?></h1>
<?php $pages = $this->yellow->content->top() ?>
<?php $this->yellow->page->setLastModified($pages->getModified()) ?>
<?php foreach ($pages as $page): ?>
<li><?php echo $page->getHtml("titleNavigation") ?></li>
<?php endforeach ?>
<?php $this->yellow->layout("footer") ?>

Yellow media

The class YellowMedia gives access to media files. The following methods are available:

clean index find

Description of methods and arguments:

media->find($location, $absoluteLocation = false): YellowPage|null
Return page with media file information, null if not found

media->index($showInvisible = false): YellowPageCollection
Return page collection with media files

media->clean(): YellowPageCollection
Return page collection that is empty

Layout file for showing media files:

<?php $this->yellow->layout("header") ?>
<div class="content">
<div class="main" role="main">
<h1><?php echo $this->yellow->page->getHtml("titleContent") ?></h1>
<?php $files = $this->yellow->media->index() ?>
<?php $this->yellow->page->setLastModified($files->getModified()) ?>
<?php foreach ($files as $file): ?>
<li><?php echo $file->getLocation(true) ?></li>
<?php endforeach ?>
<?php $this->yellow->layout("footer") ?>

Layout file for showing latest media files:

<?php $this->yellow->layout("header") ?>
<div class="content">
<div class="main" role="main">
<h1><?php echo $this->yellow->page->getHtml("titleContent") ?></h1>
<?php $files = $this->yellow->media->index()->sort("modified", false) ?>
<?php $this->yellow->page->setLastModified($files->getModified()) ?>
<?php foreach ($files as $file): ?>
<li><?php echo $file->getLocation(true) ?></li>
<?php endforeach ?>
<?php $this->yellow->layout("footer") ?>

Layout file for showing media files of a specific type:

<?php $this->yellow->layout("header") ?>
<div class="content">
<div class="main" role="main">
<h1><?php echo $this->yellow->page->getHtml("titleContent") ?></h1>
<?php $files = $this->yellow->media->index()->filter("type", "pdf") ?>
<?php $this->yellow->page->setLastModified($files->getModified()) ?>
<?php foreach ($files as $file): ?>
<li><?php echo $file->getLocation(true) ?></li>
<?php endforeach ?>
<?php $this->yellow->layout("footer") ?>

Yellow system

The class YellowSystem gives access to system settings. The following methods are available:

get getAvailable getDifferent getHtml getModified getSettings isExisting save set setDefault

Description of methods and arguments:

system->save($fileName, $settings): bool
Save system settings to file

system->setDefault($key, $value): void
Set default system setting

system->set($key, $value): void
Set system setting

system->get($key): string
Return system setting

system->getHtml($key): string
Return system setting, HTML encoded

system->getDifferent($key): string
Return different value for system setting

system->getAvailable($key): array
Return available values for system setting

system->getSettings($filterStart = "", $filterEnd = ""): array
Return system settings

system->getModified($httpFormat = false): int|string
Return system settings modification date, Unix time or HTTP format

system->isExisting($key): bool
Check if system setting exists

Layout file for showing webmaster:

<?php $this->yellow->layout("header") ?>
<div class="content">
<div class="main" role="main">
<h1><?php echo $this->yellow->page->getHtml("titleContent") ?></h1>
<?php echo "Name: ".$this->yellow->system->getHtml("author")."<br />" ?>
<?php echo "Email: ".$this->yellow->system->getHtml("email")."<br />" ?>
<?php $this->yellow->layout("footer") ?>

Layout file for checking if a specific setting is activated:

<?php $this->yellow->layout("header") ?>
<div class="content">
<div class="main" role="main">
<h1><?php echo $this->yellow->page->getHtml("titleContent") ?></h1>
<?php $debugMode = $this->yellow->system->get("coreDebugMode") ?>
Debug mode is <?php echo htmlspecialchars($debugMode ? "on" : "off") ?>.
<?php $this->yellow->layout("footer") ?>

Layout file for showing core settings:

<?php $this->yellow->layout("header") ?>
<div class="content">
<div class="main" role="main">
<h1><?php echo $this->yellow->page->getHtml("titleContent") ?></h1>
<?php foreach ($this->yellow->system->getSettings("core") as $key=>$value): ?>
<?php echo htmlspecialchars("$key: $value") ?><br />
<?php endforeach ?>
<?php $this->yellow->layout("footer") ?>

Yellow language

The class YellowLanguage gives access to language settings. The following methods are available:

getDateFormatted getDateRelative getDateStandard getModified getSettings getText getTextHtml isExisting isText setDefaults setText

Description of methods and arguments:

language->setDefaults($lines): void
Set default language settings

language->setText($key, $value, $language): void
Set language setting

language->getText($key, $language = ""): string
Return language setting

language->getTextHtml($key, $language = ""): string
Return language setting, HTML encoded

language->getDateStandard($text, $language = ""): string
Return text as language specific date, convert to one of the standard formats

language->getDateRelative($timestamp, $format, $daysLimit, $language = ""): string
Return Unix time as date, relative to today

language->getDateFormatted($timestamp, $format, $language = ""): string
Return Unix time as date

language->getSettings($filterStart = "", $filterEnd = "", $language = ""): array
Return language settings

language->getModified($httpFormat = false): int|string
Return language settings modification date, Unix time or HTTP format

language->isText($key, $language = ""): bool
Check if language setting exists

language->isExisting($language): bool
Check if language exists

Layout file for showing a language setting:

<?php $this->yellow->layout("header") ?>
<div class="content">
<div class="main" role="main">
<h1><?php echo $this->yellow->page->getHtml("titleContent") ?></h1>
<p><?php echo $this->yellow->language->getTextHtml("wikiModified") ?> 
<?php echo $this->yellow->page->getDateHtml("modified") ?></p>
<?php echo $this->yellow->page->getContentHtml() ?>
<?php $this->yellow->layout("footer") ?>

Layout file for checking if a specific language exists:

<?php $this->yellow->layout("header") ?>
<div class="content">
<div class="main" role="main">
<h1><?php echo $this->yellow->page->getHtml("titleContent") ?></h1>
<?php $found = $this->yellow->language->isExisting("sv") ?>
<p>Swedish language <?php echo htmlspecialchars($found? "" : "not") ?> installed.</p>
<?php $this->yellow->layout("footer") ?>

Layout file for showing languages and translators:

<?php $this->yellow->layout("header") ?>
<div class="content">
<div class="main" role="main">
<h1><?php echo $this->yellow->page->getHtml("titleContent") ?></h1>
<?php foreach ($this->yellow->system->getAvailable("language") as $language): ?>
<?php echo $this->yellow->language->getTextHtml("languageDescription", $language) ?> - 
<?php echo $this->yellow->language->getTextHtml("languageTranslator", $language) ?><br />
<?php endforeach ?>
<?php $this->yellow->layout("footer") ?>

Yellow user

The class YellowUser gives access to user settings. The following methods are available:

getModified getSettings getUser getUserHtml isExisting isUser remove save setUser

Description of methods and arguments:

user->save($fileName, $email, $settings): bool
Save user settings to file

user->remove($fileName, $email): bool
Remove user settings from file

user->setUser($key, $value, $email): void
Set user setting

user->getUser($key, $email = ""): string
Return user setting

user->getUserHtml($key, $email = ""): string
Return user setting, HTML encoded

user->getSettings($email = ""): array
Return user settings

user->getModified($httpFormat = false): int|string
Return user settings modification date, Unix time or HTTP format

user->isUser($key, $email = ""): bool
Check if user setting exists

user->isExisting($email): bool
Check if user exists

Layout file for showing current user:

<?php $this->yellow->layout("header") ?>
<div class="content">
<div class="main" role="main">
<h1><?php echo $this->yellow->page->getHtml("titleContent") ?></h1>
<?php echo "Name: ".$this->yellow->user->getUserHtml("name")."<br />" ?>
<?php echo "Email: ".$this->yellow->user->getUserHtml("email")."<br />" ?>
<?php $this->yellow->layout("footer") ?>

Layout file for checking if a user is logged in:

<?php $this->yellow->layout("header") ?>
<div class="content">
<div class="main" role="main">
<h1><?php echo $this->yellow->page->getHtml("titleContent") ?></h1>
<?php $found = $this->yellow->user->isUser("name") ?>
<p>You are <?php echo htmlspecialchars($found? "" : "not") ?> logged in.</p>
<?php $this->yellow->layout("footer") ?>

Layout file for showing users and their status:

<?php $this->yellow->layout("header") ?>
<div class="content">
<div class="main" role="main">
<h1><?php echo $this->yellow->page->getHtml("titleContent") ?></h1>
<?php foreach ($this->yellow->system->getAvailable("email") as $email): ?>
<?php echo $this->yellow->user->getUserHtml("name", $email) ?> - 
<?php echo $this->yellow->user->getUserHtml("status", $email) ?><br />
<?php endforeach ?>
<?php $this->yellow->layout("footer") ?>

Yellow extension

The class YellowExtension gives access to extensions. The following methods are available:

get getModified isExisting

Description of methods and arguments:

extension->get($key): object
Return extension

extension->getModified($httpFormat = false): int|string
Return extensions modification date, Unix time or HTTP format

extension->isExisting($key): bool
Check if extension exists

Layout file for showing extensions:

<?php $this->yellow->layout("header") ?>
<div class="content">
<div class="main" role="main">
<h1><?php echo $this->yellow->page->getHtml("titleContent") ?></h1>
<?php foreach($this->yellow->extension->data as $key=>$value): ?>
<?php echo htmlspecialchars($key." ".$value["version"]) ?><br />
<?php endforeach ?>
<?php $this->yellow->layout("footer") ?>

Layout file for checking if a specific extension exists:

<?php $this->yellow->layout("header") ?>
<div class="content">
<div class="main" role="main">
<h1><?php echo $this->yellow->page->getHtml("titleContent") ?></h1>
<?php $found = $this->yellow->extension->isExisting("search") ?>
<p>Search extension <?php echo htmlspecialchars($found ? "" : "not") ?> installed.</p>
<?php $this->yellow->layout("footer") ?>

Code for calling a function from another extension:

if ($this->yellow->extension->isExisting("image")) {
    $fileName = "media/images/photo.jpg";
    list($src, $width, $height) = $this->yellow->extension->get("image")->getImageInformation($fileName, "100%", "100%");
    echo "<img src=\"".htmlspecialchars($src)."\" width=\"".htmlspecialchars($width)."\" height=\"".htmlspecialchars($height)."\" />";

Yellow lookup

The class YellowLookup gives access to lookup and normalisation methods. The following methods are available:

findContentLocationFromFile findFileFromContentLocation findFileFromMediaLocation findFileFromSystemLocation findMediaDirectory findMediaLocationFromFile findSystemLocationFromFile getHtmlAttributes getUrlInformation isCommandLine isContentFile isFileLocation isMediaFile isSystemFile isValidFile normaliseAddress normaliseArguments normaliseClass normaliseData normaliseHeaders normaliseLocation normaliseName normalisePath normaliseUrl

Description of methods and arguments:

lookup->findContentLocationFromFile($fileName): string
Return content location from file path

lookup->findFileFromContentLocation($location, $directory = false): string
Return file path from content location

lookup->findMediaLocationFromFile($fileName): string
Return media location from file path

lookup->findFileFromMediaLocation($location): string
Return file path from media location

lookup->findMediaDirectory($key): string
Return media directory from a system setting

lookup->findSystemLocationFromFile($fileName): string
Return system location from file path, for virtually mapped system files

lookup->findFileFromSystemLocation($location): string
Return file path from system location, for virtually mapped system files

lookup->normaliseName($text, $removePrefix = false, $removeExtension = false, $filterStrict = false): string
Normalise name

lookup->normaliseData($text, $type = "html", $filterStrict = true): string
Normalise elements and attributes in HTML/SVG data

lookup->normaliseAddress($input, $type = "mail", $filterStrict = true): string
Normalise name and email for a single address

lookup->normaliseHeaders($input, $type = "mime", $filterStrict = true): string
Normalise fields in MIME headers

lookup->normaliseClass($text): string
Normalise CSS class

lookup->normalisePath($text): string
Normalise relative path tokens

lookup->normaliseLocation($location, $pageLocation, $filterStrict = true): string
Normalise location, make absolute location

lookup->normaliseArguments($text, $filterStrict = true): string
Normalise location arguments

lookup->normaliseUrl($scheme, $address, $base, $location, $filterStrict = true): string
Normalise URL, make absolute URL

lookup->getUrlInformation($url): string
Return URL information

lookup->getHtmlAttributes($text) : string
Return HTML attributes from generic Markdown attributes

lookup->isFileLocation($location): bool
Check if location is specifying file or directory

lookup->isValidFile($fileName): bool
Check if file is valid

lookup->isContentFile($fileName): bool
Check if content file

lookup->isMediaFile($fileName): bool
Check if media file

lookup->isSystemFile($fileName): bool
Check if system file

lookup->isCommandLine(): bool
Check if running at command line

Layout file for showing image paths:

<?php $this->yellow->layout("header") ?>
<div class="content">
<div class="main" role="main">
<h1><?php echo $this->yellow->page->getHtml("titleContent") ?></h1>
<?php $pathInstall = $this->yellow->system->get("coreServerInstallDirectory") ?>
<?php $pathImages = $this->yellow->lookup->findMediaDirectory("coreImageLocation") ?>
<?php $pathThumbs = $this->yellow->lookup->findMediaDirectory("coreThumbnailLocation") ?>
<?php echo "Image files: ".htmlspecialchars($pathInstall.$pathImages)."<br />" ?>
<?php echo "Image thumbnails: ".htmlspecialchars($pathInstall.$pathThumbs)."<br />" ?>
<?php $this->yellow->layout("footer") ?>

Layout file for showing page type:

<?php $this->yellow->layout("header") ?>
<div class="content">
<div class="main" role="main">
<h1><?php echo $this->yellow->page->getHtml("titleContent") ?></h1>
<?php $fileLocation = $this->yellow->lookup->isFileLocation($this->yellow->page->location) ?>
<p>Page is <?php echo htmlspecialchars($fileLocation? "file" : "directory") ?>.</p>
<?php $this->yellow->layout("footer") ?>

Code for breaking up a URL:

if (!is_string_empty($url)) {
    list($scheme, $address, $base) = $this->yellow->lookup->getUrlInformation($url);
    echo "Found scheme:$scheme address:$address base:$base\n";

Yellow toolbox

The class YellowToolbox gives access to toolbox with helper methods. The following methods are available:

appendFile copyFile createTextDescription deleteDirectory deleteFile getCookie getDirectoryEntries getDirectoryEntriesRecursive getDirectoryInformation getDirectoryInformationRecursive getFileModified getFileSize getFileType getLocationArguments getServer getTextArguments getTextLines getTextList log mail modifyFile readFile renameDirectory renameFile writeFile

Description of methods and arguments:

toolbox->getCookie($key): string
Return browser cookie from from current HTTP request

toolbox->getServer($key): string
Return server argument from current HTTP request

toolbox->getLocationArguments(): string
Return location arguments from current HTTP request

toolbox->getDirectoryEntries($path, $regex = "/.*/", $sort = true, $directories = true, $includePath = true): array
Return files and directories

toolbox->getDirectoryEntriesRecursive($path, $regex = "/.*/", $sort = true, $directories = true, $includePath = true, $levelMax = 0): array
Return files and directories recursively

toolbox->getDirectoryInformation($path): array
Return directory information, modification date and file count

toolbox->getDirectoryInformationRecursive($path, $levelMax = 0): array
Return directory information recursively, modification date and file count

toolbox->readFile($fileName, $sizeMax = 0): string
Read file, empty string if not found

toolbox->writeFile($fileName, $fileData, $mkdir = false): bool
Write file

toolbox->appendFile($fileName, $fileData, $mkdir = false): bool
Append file

toolbox->copyFile($fileNameSource, $fileNameDestination, $mkdir = false): bool
Copy file

toolbox->renameFile($fileNameSource, $fileNameDestination, $mkdir = false): bool
Rename file

toolbox->renameDirectory($pathSource, $pathDestination, $mkdir = false): bool
Rename directory

toolbox->deleteFile($fileName, $pathTrash = ""): bool
Delete file

toolbox->deleteDirectory($path, $pathTrash = ""): bool
Delete directory

toolbox->modifyFile($fileName, $modified): bool
Set file/directory modification date, Unix time

toolbox->getFileModified($fileName): int
Return file/directory modification date, Unix time

toolbox->getFileSize($fileName): int
Return file size

toolbox->getFileType($fileName): string
Return file type

toolbox->getTextLines($text): array
Return lines from text, including newline

toolbox->getTextList($text, $separator, $size): array
Return array of specific size from text

toolbox->getTextArguments($text, $optional = "-", $sizeMin = 9): array
Return array of variable size from text, space separated

toolbox->createTextDescription($text, $lengthMax = 0, $removeHtml = true, $endMarker = "", $endMarkerText = ""): string
Create text description, with or without HTML

toolbox->mail($action, $headers, $message): bool
Send email message

toolbox->log($action, $message): void
Write information to log file

Code for reading text lines from file:

$fileName = $this->yellow->system->get("coreExtensionDirectory").$this->yellow->system->get("coreSystemFile");
$fileData = $this->yellow->toolbox->readFile($fileName);
foreach ($this->yellow->toolbox->getTextLines($fileData) as $line) {
    echo $line;

Code for showing files in a folder:

$path = $this->yellow->system->get("coreExtensionDirectory");
foreach ($this->yellow->toolbox->getDirectoryEntries($path, "/.*/", true, false) as $entry) {
    echo "Found file $entry\n";

Code for changing text in multiple files:

$path = $this->yellow->system->get("coreContentDirectory");
foreach ($this->yellow->toolbox->getDirectoryEntriesRecursive($path, "/^.*\.md$/", true, false) as $entry) {
    $fileData = $fileDataNew = $this->yellow->toolbox->readFile($entry);
    $fileDataNew = str_replace("I drink a lot of water", "I drink a lot of coffee", $fileDataNew);
    if ($fileData!=$fileDataNew && !$this->yellow->toolbox->writeFile($entry, $fileDataNew)) {
        $this->yellow->toolbox->log("error", "Can't write file '$entry'!");

Yellow page

The class YellowPage gives access to a page and its page settings. The following methods are available:

error get getBase getChildren getChildrenRecursive getContentHtml getContentRaw getDate getDateFormatted getDateFormattedHtml getDateHtml getDateRelative getDateRelativeHtml getExtraHtml getHeader getHtml getLastModified getLocation getModified getPage getPages getParent getParentTop getRequest getRequestHtml getSiblings getStatusCode getUrl isActive isAvailable isCacheable isError isExisting isHeader isPage isRequest isVisible set status

Description of methods and arguments:

page->set($key, $value): void
Set page setting

page->get($key): string
Return page setting

page->getHtml($key): string
Return page setting, HTML encoded

page->getDate($key, $format = ""): string
Return page setting as language specific date

page->getDateHtml($key, $format = ""): string
Return page setting as language specific date, HTML encoded

page->getDateRelative($key, $format = "", $daysLimit = 30): string
Return page setting as language specific date, relative to today

page->getDateRelativeHtml($key, $format = "", $daysLimit = 30): string
Return page setting as language specific date, relative to today, HTML encoded

page->getDateFormatted($key, $format): string
Return page setting as date

page->getDateFormattedHtml($key, $format): string
Return page setting as date, HTML encoded

page->getContentRaw(): string
Return page content data, raw format

page->getContentHtml(): string
Return page content data, HTML encoded

page->getExtraHtml($name): string
Return page extra data, HTML encoded

page->getParent(): YellowPage|null
Return parent page, null if none

page->getParentTop($homeFallback = false): YellowPage|null
Return top-level parent page, null if none

page->getSiblings($showInvisible = false): YellowPageCollection
Return page collection with pages on the same level

page->getChildren($showInvisible = false): YellowPageCollection
Return page collection with child pages

page->getChildrenRecursive($showInvisible = false, $levelMax = 0): YellowPageCollection
Return page collection with child pages recursively

page->getPages($key): YellowPageCollection
Return page collection with additional pages

page->getPage($key): YellowPage
Return shared page

page->getUrl($canonicalUrl = false): string
Return page URL

page->getBase($multiLanguage = false): string
Return page base

page->getLocation($absoluteLocation = false): string
Return page location

page->getRequest($key): string
Return page request argument

page->getRequestHtml($key): string
Return page request argument, HTML encoded

page->getHeader($key): string
Return page response header

page->getModified($httpFormat = false): int|string
Return page modification date, Unix time or HTTP format

page->getLastModified($httpFormat = false): int|string
Return last modification date, Unix time or HTTP format

page->getStatusCode($httpFormat = false): int|string
Return page status code, number or HTTP format

page->status($statusCode, $location = ""): void
Respond with status code, no page content

page->error($statusCode, $errorMessage = ""): void
Respond with error page

page->isAvailable(): bool
Check if page is available

page->isVisible(): bool
Check if page is visible

page->isActive(): bool
Check if page is within current HTTP request

page->isCacheable(): bool
Check if page is cacheable

page->isError(): bool
Check if page with error

page->isExisting($key): bool
Check if page setting exists

page->isRequest($key): bool
Check if request argument exists

page->isHeader($key): bool
Check if response header exists

page->isPage($key): bool
Check if shared page exists

Layout file for showing page content:

<?php $this->yellow->layout("header") ?>
<div class="content">
<div class="main" role="main">
<h1><?php echo $this->yellow->page->getHtml("titleContent") ?></h1>
<?php echo $this->yellow->page->getContentHtml() ?>
<?php $this->yellow->layout("footer") ?>

Layout file for showing page content and author:

<?php $this->yellow->layout("header") ?>
<div class="content">
<div class="main" role="main">
<h1><?php echo $this->yellow->page->getHtml("titleContent") ?></h1>
<p><?php echo $this->yellow->page->getHtml("author") ?></p>
<?php echo $this->yellow->page->getContentHtml() ?>
<?php $this->yellow->layout("footer") ?>

Layout file for showing page content and modification date:

<?php $this->yellow->layout("header") ?>
<div class="content">
<div class="main" role="main">
<h1><?php echo $this->yellow->page->getHtml("titleContent") ?></h1>
<p><?php echo $this->yellow->page->getDateHtml("modified") ?></p>
<?php echo $this->yellow->page->getContentHtml() ?>
<?php $this->yellow->layout("footer") ?>

Yellow page collection

The class YellowPageCollection gives access to multiple pages. The following methods are available:

append diff filter getFilter getModified getPageNext getPagePrevious getPaginationCount getPaginationLocation getPaginationNext getPaginationNumber getPaginationPrevious group intersect isEmpty isPagination limit match merge paginate prepend remove reverse shuffle similar sort

Description of methods and arguments:

pages->append($page): void
Append page to end of page collection

pages->prepend($page): void
Prepend page to start of page collection

pages->remove($page): YellowPageCollection
Remove page from page collection

pages->filter($key, $value, $exactMatch = true): YellowPageCollection
Filter page collection by page setting

pages->match($regex = "/.*/", $filterByLocation = true): YellowPageCollection
Filter page collection by location or file

pages->similar($page: YellowPageCollection
Sort page collection by settings similarity

pages->sort($key, $ascendingOrder = true): YellowPageCollection
Sort page collection by page setting

pages->group($key, $ascendingOrder = true, $format = ""): array
Group page collection by page setting, return array with multiple collections

pages->merge($input): YellowPageCollection
Calculate union, merge page collection

pages->intersect($input): YellowPageCollection
Calculate intersection, remove pages that are not present in another page collection

pages->diff($input): YellowPageCollection
Calculate difference, remove pages that are present in another page collection

pages->limit($pagesMax): YellowPageCollection
Limit the number of pages in page collection

pages->reverse(): YellowPageCollection
Reverse page collection

pages->shuffle(): YellowPageCollection
Randomize page collection

pages->paginate($limit): YellowPageCollection
Paginate page collection

pages->getPaginationNumber(): int
Return current page number in pagination

pages->getPaginationCount(): int
Return highest page number in pagination

pages->getPaginationLocation($absoluteLocation = true, $pageNumber = 1): string
Return location for a page in pagination

pages->getPaginationPrevious($absoluteLocation = true): string
Return location for previous page in pagination

pages->getPaginationNext($absoluteLocation = true): string
Return location for next page in pagination

pages->getPagePrevious($page): YellowPage|null
Return previous page in collection, null if none

pages->getPageNext($page): YellowPage|null
Return next page in collection, null if none

pages->getFilter(): string
Return current page filter

pages->getModified($httpFormat = false): int|string
Return page collection modification date, Unix time or HTTP format

pages->isPagination(): bool
Check if there is a pagination

pages->isEmpty(): bool
Check if page collection is empty

Layout file for showing three random pages:

<?php $this->yellow->layout("header") ?>
<div class="content">
<div class="main" role="main">
<h1><?php echo $this->yellow->page->getHtml("titleContent") ?></h1>
<?php $pages = $this->yellow->content->index()->shuffle()->limit(3) ?>
<?php $this->yellow->page->setLastModified($pages->getModified()) ?>
<?php foreach ($pages as $page): ?>
<li><?php echo $page->getHtml("title") ?></li>
<?php endforeach ?>
<?php $this->yellow->layout("footer") ?>

Layout file for showing latest pages:

<?php $this->yellow->layout("header") ?>
<div class="content">
<div class="main" role="main">
<h1><?php echo $this->yellow->page->getHtml("titleContent") ?></h1>
<?php $pages = $this->yellow->content->index()->sort("modified", false) ?>
<?php $this->yellow->page->setLastModified($pages->getModified()) ?>
<?php foreach ($pages as $page): ?>
<li><?php echo $page->getHtml("title") ?></li>
<?php endforeach ?>
<?php $this->yellow->layout("footer") ?>

Layout file for showing latest pages with pagination:

<?php $this->yellow->layout("header") ?>
<div class="content">
<div class="main" role="main">
<h1><?php echo $this->yellow->page->getHtml("titleContent") ?></h1>
<?php $pages = $this->yellow->content->index()->sort("modified", false)->paginate(10) ?>
<?php $this->yellow->page->setLastModified($pages->getModified()) ?>
<?php foreach ($pages as $page): ?>
<li><?php echo $page->getHtml("title") ?></li>
<?php endforeach ?>
<?php $this->yellow->layout("pagination", $pages) ?>
<?php $this->yellow->layout("footer") ?>

Yellow string

The following functions extend PHP string functions and array functions:

is_array_empty is_string_empty strlenu strposu strrposu strtoloweru strtoupperu substru

Description of functions and arguments:

strtoloweru($string): string
Make string lowercase, UTF-8 compatible

strtoupperu($string): string
Make string uppercase, UTF-8 compatible

strlenu($string): int + strlenb($string): int
Return string length, UTF-8 characters or bytes

strposu($string, $search): int|false + strposb($string, $search): int|false
Return string position of first match, UTF-8 characters or bytes

strrposu($string, $search): int|false + strrposb($string, $search): int|false
Return string position of last match, UTF-8 characters or bytes

substru($string, $start, $length): string + substrb($string, $start, $length): string
Return part of a string, UTF-8 characters or bytes

is_string_empty($string): bool
Check if string is empty

is_array_empty($array): bool
Check if array is empty

Code for converting strings:

$string = "For people and machines";
echo strtoloweru($string);                   // for people and machines
echo strtoupperu($string);                   // FOR PEOPLE AND MACHINES

Code for accessing strings:

$string = "Text with UTF-8 characters åäö";
echo strlenu($string);                       // 30
echo strposu($string, "UTF");                // 10
echo substru($string, -3, 3);                // åäö

Code for checking if strings are empty:

var_dump(is_string_empty(""));               // bool(true)
var_dump(is_string_empty("text"));           // bool(false)
var_dump(is_string_empty("0"));              // bool(false)

Code for checking if arrays are empty:

var_dump(is_array_empty(array()));           // bool(true)
var_dump(is_array_empty(new ArrayObject())); // bool(true)
var_dump(is_array_empty(array("entry")));    // bool(false)


With help of events the website notifys you when something interesting happens. First extensions are loaded and onLoad will be called. As soon as the system has started up either onRequest or onCommand will be called. A request from the web browser can be handled with various events. In most cases the page content will be generated. If an error has occurred, an error page will be generated. Finally the generated page is output.

The following types of events are available:

Yellow core events = notify when a state has changed
Yellow info events = notify when information is available
Yellow parse events = notify when a page is displayed
Yellow edit events = notify when a file is edited in the web browser
Yellow command events = notify when a command is executed

Yellow core events

Yellow core events notify when a state has changed. The following events are available:

onLoad onRequest onShutdown onStartup

Description of events and arguments:

public function onLoad($yellow)
Handle initialisation

public function onStartup()
Handle startup

public function onRequest($scheme, $address, $base, $location, $fileName)
Handle request

public function onShutdown()
Handle shutdown

Extension for handling the initialisation:

class YellowExample {
    const VERSION = "0.1.1";
    public $yellow;         // access to API

    // Handle initialisation
    public function onLoad($yellow) {
        $this->yellow = $yellow;

Yellow info events

Yellow info events notify when information is available. The following events are available:

onLog onMail onUpdate

The following update actions are available:

clean = clean up files for static website
daily = daily event for all extensions
install = extension is installed
uninstall = extension is uninstalled
update = extension is updated

Description of events and arguments:

public function onLog($action, $message)
Handle logging

public function onMail($action, $headers, $message)
Handle email

public function onUpdate($action)
Handle update

Extension for handling an update event:

class YellowExample {
    const VERSION = "0.1.2";
    public $yellow;         // access to API

    // Handle initialisation
    public function onLoad($yellow) {
        $this->yellow = $yellow;

    // Handle update
    public function onUpdate($action) {
        if ($action=="install") {
            $this->yellow->toolbox->log("info", "Install event");

Extension for handling a daily event:

class YellowExample {
    const VERSION = "0.1.3";
    public $yellow;         // access to API

    // Handle initialisation
    public function onLoad($yellow) {
        $this->yellow = $yellow;

    // Handle update
    public function onUpdate($action) {
        if ($action=="daily") {
            $this->yellow->toolbox->log("info", "Daily event");

Yellow parse events

Yellow parse events notify when a page is displayed. The following events are available:

onParseContentElement onParseContentHtml onParseContentRaw onParseMetaData onParsePageExtra onParsePageLayout onParsePageOutput

The following element types are available:

inline = shortcut with an inline element
block = shortcut with a block element
code = code block element, may contain multiple text lines
notice = notice block element, may contain multiple text lines
symbol = symbol inline element, used for emojis and icons

Description of events and arguments:

public function onParseMetaData($page)
Handle page meta data

public function onParseContentRaw($page, $text)
Handle page content in raw format

public function onParseContentElement($page, $name, $text, $attributes, $type)
Handle page content element

public function onParseContentHtml($page, $text)
Handle page content in HTML format

public function onParsePageLayout($page, $name)
Handle page layout

public function onParsePageExtra($page, $name)
Handle page extra data

public function onParsePageOutput($page, $text)
Handle page output data

Extension for creating a custom shortcut:

class YellowExample {
    const VERSION = "0.1.4";
    public $yellow;         // access to API

    // Handle initialisation
    public function onLoad($yellow) {
        $this->yellow = $yellow;

    // Handle page content element
    public function onParseContentElement($page, $name, $text, $attributes, $type) {
        $output = null;
        if ($name=="example" && ($type=="block" || $type=="inline")) {
            $output = "<div class=\"".htmlspecialchars($name)."\">";
            $output .= "Add more HTML code here";
            $output .= "</div>";
        return $output;

Extension for creating a HTML header:

class YellowExample {
    const VERSION = "0.1.5";
    public $yellow;         // access to API

    // Handle initialisation
    public function onLoad($yellow) {
        $this->yellow = $yellow;

    // Handle page extra data
    public function onParsePageExtra($page, $name) {
        $output = null;
        if ($name=="header") {
            $assetLocation = $this->yellow->system->get("coreServerBase").$this->yellow->system->get("coreAssetLocation");
            $output = "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" media=\"all\" href=\"{$assetLocation}example.css\" />\n";
            $output .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\" defer=\"defer\" src=\"{$assetLocation}example.js\"></script>\n";
        return $output;

Yellow edit events

Yellow edit events notify when a file is edited in the web browser. The following events are available:

onEditContentFile onEditMediaFile onEditSystemFile onEditUserAccount

The following content actions are available:

precreate = page is created, meta data is not ready yet
preedit = page is edited, meta data is not ready yet
create = page is created
edit = page is edited
delete = page is deleted
restore = page is restored

Description of events and arguments:

public function onEditContentFile($page, $action, $email)
Handle content file changes

public function onEditMediaFile($file, $action, $email)
Handle media file changes

public function onEditSystemFile($file, $action, $email)
Handle system file changes

public function onEditUserAccount($action, $email, $password)
Handle user account changes

Extension for handling content file changes:

class YellowExample {
    const VERSION = "0.1.6";
    public $yellow;         // access to API

    // Handle initialisation
    public function onLoad($yellow) {
        $this->yellow = $yellow;

    // Handle content file changes
    public function onEditContentFile($page, $action, $email) {
        if ($action=="edit" && !$page->isError()) {
            $title = $page->get("title");
            $name = $this->yellow->user->getUser("name", $email);
            $this->yellow->toolbox->log("info", "Edit page by user '".strtok($name, " ")."'");

Extension for handling media file changes:

class YellowExample {
    const VERSION = "0.1.7";
    public $yellow;         // access to API

    // Handle initialisation
    public function onLoad($yellow) {
        $this->yellow = $yellow;

    // Handle media file changes
    public function onEditMediaFile($file, $action, $email) {
        if ($action=="upload" && !$file->isError()) {
            $fileType = $file->get("type");
            $name = $this->yellow->user->getUser("name", $email);
            $this->yellow->toolbox->log("info", "Upload file by user '".strtok($name, " ")."'");

Yellow command events

Yellow command events notify when a command is executed. The following events are available:

onCommand onCommandHelp

Description of events and arguments:

public function onCommand($command, $text)
Handle command

public function onCommandHelp()
Handle command help

Extension for handling a command:

class YellowExample {
    const VERSION = "0.1.8";
    public $yellow;         // access to API

    // Handle initialisation
    public function onLoad($yellow) {
        $this->yellow = $yellow;

    // Handle command
    public function onCommand($command, $text) {
        $statusCode = 0;
        if ($command=="example") {
            echo "Yellow $command: Add more text here\n";
            $statusCode = 200;
        return $statusCode;

    // Handle command help
    public function onCommandHelp() {
        return "example";

Extension for handling multiple commands:

class YellowExample {
    const VERSION = "0.1.9";
    public $yellow;         // access to API

    // Handle initialisation
    public function onLoad($yellow) {
        $this->yellow = $yellow;

     // Handle command
    public function onCommand($command, $text) {
        switch ($command) {
            case "hello":   $statusCode = $this->processCommandHello($command, $text); break;
            case "goodbye": $statusCode = $this->processCommandGoodbye($command, $text); break;
            default:        $statusCode = 0;
        return $statusCode;

    // Handle command help
    public function onCommandHelp() {
        return array("hello [name]", "goodbye [name]");

    // Handle command for hello
    public function processCommandHello($command, $text) {
        if (is_string_empty($text)) $text = "World";
        echo "Hello $text\n";
        return 200;

    // Handle command for goodbye
    public function processCommandGoodbye($command, $text) {
        if (is_string_empty($text)) $text = "World";
        echo "Goodbye $text\n";
        return 200;

Do you have questions? Get help.